A Guide to Better Health


Pregnancy Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pregnancy Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

5 Resources You Need During Every Stage of Pregnancy

Moms, we know how easy it is to get overwhelmed when trying to sort through the infinite number of resources. This is why we did the work for you to find easy to follow, accessible and most importantly quality information on everything you want to know during every stage of pregnancy.

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Pregnancy Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pregnancy Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Why Prenatal Chiropractic?

Why are so many women seeking out chiropractic care during pregnancy in preparation for safer, easier births? Why are so many pregnant women turning to prenatal chiropractors as one of their go-to health team members during pregnancy?

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Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, D.C. Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, D.C.

Poop! There It Is!

Parents know better than anyone that when it comes to constipation and irregular bowel movements it can be uncomfortable, upsetting and stressful for kids. Is there something more going on?

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Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, D.C. Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, D.C.

3 Tips for Parents to Avoid Burnout

There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day so you may find yourself giving yourself the short end of the sleeping stick. But it’s just as important for parents to get restful sleep as it is for babies and kids so these 3 tips are going to help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and allow you to juggle all of those things (and more).

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Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, D.C. Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, D.C.

What Happens When Babies & Kids Get Adjusted?

So many times we have heard, “Babies don’t have back pain” and, “Kids don’t get frozen shoulder” and the ever popular, “How do you crack a baby’s neck?!” While all of these conditions may be what chiropractors are known for, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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Pediatrics PX Docs Pediatrics PX Docs

4 Reasons Kids Get Sick in the Fall and Winter

As we enter into any winter holiday season there seems to be four things that our kids and families experience that tend to collide all at once and result in stressed kids and families! This causes our kids, ourselves, and our nervous systems to get completely overwhelmed and stressed out. When we get worn out, we get sick, anxious, emotional, and worn down.

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Pediatrics PX Docs Pediatrics PX Docs

Brain-Based Healing

The truth is, getting a child’s brain and body to heal is both a complicated and simple process. It’s complicated not just because the brain and central nervous system are such a vast, intricate, detailed system… but mainly because in today’s world, there are millions of options on how to get the job done.

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Pediatrics Dr. Tony Ebel, D.C. Pediatrics Dr. Tony Ebel, D.C.

What is Colic?

Frustratingly the most common advice parents are given still today is to let them cry it out, and also, “Don’t worry, they’ll grow out of it.” But as Pediatric Chiropractors, our entire obsession is with finding the cause of a child’s health condition, so that we can then know with certainty the best plan moving forward to help them heal and overcome it.

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