A Guide to Better Health
The #1 Question We All Need to Ask Regarding the Health of Our Children!
The number one most important thing in the health of our children and family is not how much stress or toxicity they are exposed to, but instead how adaptable and resilient they are to these stresses.
The #1 Hidden Secret to Your Child’s Health and Healing Potential
You’ve gone the medical route. You’ve likely circled through it three times over, having seen every specialist, geneticist, neurologist, and gastroenterologist within 500 miles of your home. You’ve tried medication after medication.
Natural Sleep Remedies for Kids
Kids are always going through some level of growth; learning how to regulate their emotions, exercising and nourishing their bodies, adjusting to new routines with friends and school, etc. Not only is sleep essential for their physical, mental, and emotional development, but without it, children don’t have a sense of normalcy.
The Negative Effect of Maternal Stress on Infant Neurodevelopment and How Chiropractic Can Make a Difference
The mother’s nervous system, which processes all her mental, emotional, and physical experiences including stress, provides a baseline resonance frequency for the child to connect with throughout their development. The growing nervous system imitates and bonds to the mother’s nervous system which helps to guide its future growth.
What is Dysautonomia?
The autonomic nervous system controls and modulates every single cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Therefore when dysautonomia takes root, it can cause a multitude of symptoms and various health conditions.
How to Care for Chronic Constipation Naturally
What parents of children with chronic constipation know all too well is that the challenges that come along with this health challenge don’t just stay in the digestive system.
Subluxation: The Missing Link
While subluxation can happen with any joint in the body, from the shoulders to the pinky toe… it’s subluxation of the spine and central nervous system that is really what’s behind so much dysfunction and chronic illness in kids today.
Tongue Tie: 4 Ways Chiropractic Can Help
You may be wondering, how can the pediatric chiropractor help? The chiropractor shouldn’t diagnose a tongue-tie. But they can do much to help the baby with feeding dysfunction. If you suspect your child has a tongue-tie, here are four points to consider.
The Top 10 Parent Questions About Pediatric Chiropractic
We bring a very unique approach to health care not offered by any other kind of practitioner. We are not only distinctly different from traditional pediatricians and medical doctors, but we are also quite different from even natural medicine, functional medicine, wellness doctors, and traditional movement-based therapies like PT and OT.
Best People To Include On Your Birth Team
The list of birth professionals below are for the expecting mama who is choosing a birthing center or home birth as her delivery setting. For mothers considering a hospital birth…
When Every Ounce Counts
Newborn weight loss is a common issue that often leads to unwanted or unintended use of formula. The use of IV fluids during labor, something we view as simple and benign, can lead to inaccurate weight measurements, which can lead down the path…
5 Things I Wish I Knew About My Pelvic Floor
There’s a lot most of us don’t know about our pelvic floor. These five things are not an exhaustive list, but they’re a good place to start!