A Guide to Better Health
Nursing Posture and its Role in Sympathetic Dominance
Stress is an undeniable part of modern life. But what if the unique stress cascade experienced by first-time moms is largely the result of one thing that most people overlook…
Why Chiropractic Care For Children?
Birth in its many different forms can be quite traumatic. While each birth is unique, there is always a chance that the baby suffers some sort of strain due to a variety of reasons. Even the most natural births can result in trauma that goes undetected.
11 Things I Wish Every Parent Knew
“After 25 years practicing pediatrics, and caring for thousands of children, I’ve noticed some patterns that offer me a deeper vision of health. I’d like to share some of those invaluable lessons with parents.”
Optimal Positioning: Balancing the Pelvis for a Safer, Easier Birth
Labor is a dance between the mother and baby. The words “optimal positioning” signify that the mother and baby have aligned in a way that is complementary for a natural, empowered birth.
Colic In the Breastfed Baby
Everyone knows someone whose baby was cured of colic by a particular treatment. Almost every treatment seems to work— for a short time. In breastfed babies, there are three known situations that may result in fussiness or colic and what can be done.
Ear Infections in Kids: Natural Remedies to Ease Ear Pain and Enhance Function
No parent forgets the trip to the doctor after having their child (especially their first) wake up in the middle of the night screaming and clawing at the side of their head while sweating with fever.
Teaching Baby in the Womb: How Fetal Experiences Can Impact Your Baby
Parents who can attune to their baby’s fetal imprints develop stronger emotional bonds and feel more successful at early parenting.
How to Describe Birth to A First-Time Pregnant Woman
What if we thought of pregnancy and birth as the ultimate expression of our power?
At the Heart of It: The Root Cause of Perinatal Mood Disorders
The fundamental issue is that society is failing the very people it needs to support the most in order to have a healthy global collective: mothers.
Which Organic Label Should You Trust?
Many “health” experts continue to argue that there is little difference between organic and conventionally raised produce, but the scientific evidence—and common sense—says otherwise.