A Guide to Better Health
Eat, Sleep, Poop
We understand it can be overwhelming to know where to start when your child faces challenges. We want to help unpack some of these challenges. The “little” things, such as eating, sleeping, and pooping struggles, can be tied to more significant challenges.
How Can Chiropractic Help?
You may have seen another mom on a Facebook group mention something like, “Have you tried Chiropractic care?” or “My son/daughter got adjusted, and it helped everything….” If this is you and you thought to yourself, “How does chiropractic care help my kids?” Well, you’re not alone.
What is the Vagus Nerve?
With all the research, biohacking, and natural science that has been reported on the Vagus Nerve lately, it's cool to hear about a part of our nervous system that can have such an amazing impact on our health and adaptability. But did you know the vagus nerve is also very important for our kid's development, behavior, and sensory comfort? Let’s dig into the science of an active vagus nerve and a vagus nerve that is “turned down”.
What is Subluxation?
Subluxation is stress on the nervous system, which can lead to a range of issues, including gut problems, sensory issues, emotional and behavioral challenges, and immune system issues. However, on the other side of subluxation is a healthy nervous system that regulates the gut, immune system, and motor system and gets everything in sync with your child's brain or hard drive.
Natural Sleep Solutions For the Whole Family
Do you have a child that struggles with getting enough sleep? Maybe your kid has a lot of energy and doesn’t know how to relax for bedtime. In this article we dive into why sleep is important and what can happen when anyone in the family doesn't get quality sleep.
Why Is Vagus Nerve Health So Important For Kids?
If you are in the health world and follow natural, holistic living, there is no doubt that you’ve heard of the vagus nerve. But did you know the vagus nerve plays a critical role in your child’s development, behavior, and sensory comfort?
What You Need to Know About Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs)
Becoming a mother is a transformative and vulnerable time. While new motherhood is beautiful in so many ways, parents can often experience a range of mental health challenges in postpartum that can impact the new mom, child, and the family.
Is Miralax Safe for Kids?
If your child is one of the 30% of children that struggles with constipation you know that constipation often leads to frustration, irritability and general unhappiness in kids of any age. It is also likely that you’ve heard of Miralax…
What You Need To Know About Diastasis Recti Abdominis
Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) can be limiting to many while others recover from it relatively quickly. The important takeaway is that ALL women can recover from DRA, you just need the proper guidance and knowledge.
What is RSV? Respiratory Syncytial Virus Symptoms, Severity in Children and More
It’s likely that every parent has heard of RSV. While we don’t want our children coming down with any illness, RSV may have parents the most worried because of the complications that can come with it.
5 Ways to Reset the Nervous System for the New Year
Every year feels like it was a blur right before the start of a new year but 2022 has really flown! In the wake of all the hubbub of holiday time we, kids and parents alike, can benefit from a reset.
Progress Scans: What to Look For From a Patient Perspective
When it comes to Progress Scans, we want to give you a heads up on the 6 most common findings we are looking for on those first progress scans, and a quick + simple run down of what they each mean.