5 Ways to Reset the Nervous System for the New Year

Right about now pretty much every person in the world is coming down from a travel filled, sugar loaded, socially stimulating frenzy because of the holidays. Wintertime, especially the end of December, is a unique time because our patterns are disrupted, our routines are off and our diets are all over the place. So it’s no surprise that come January 1st we feel like we need to turn over a new leaf. And in the wake of all the hubbub of holiday time we, kids and parents alike, can benefit from a reset - physically, emotionally and nutritionally.

Now this doesn’t mean making a list of lofty New Year’s Resolutions that we forget about two and half weeks into the new year. To us at Sprout Family Chiropractic, a reset needs to be realistic, sustainable and effective to really make a difference. This is why we as chiropractors go straight to the root of everything–the nervous system. If we can reset this, it can have a big impact and far reaching effects on health. 


The nervous system is what brings power and communication to the rest of your body. It is made up of your brain, brainstem, spinal cord and all of the nerves in your body. Through electrical signals, your nervous system is able to tell your body what to do: which hormones to increase or decrease, what your heart rate should be, how fast your body should be digesting food, how fast your immune system can respond, etc. 

The nervous system actually has 2 parts: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. At various times in the day, and depending on what you are doing, the sympathetic nervous system will be more dominant and at other times in the day the parasympathetic nervous system will be more dominant. 

healthy parasympathetic sympathetic nervous system

A regulated (i.e. well-balanced) nervous system balances between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Think of the nervous system as more of a teeter totter. If your nervous system senses you just ate a meal, it will work to prioritize the parasympathetic nervous system because it is the rest and digest side of the nervous system. If you are running late for an in person work meeting and you’re speeding on the freeway, your nervous system will prioritize the sympathetic nervous system because that is the fight or flight side. A well regulated nervous system is able to jump from side to side, parasympathetic to sympathetic, as needed, so that you are always ready for whatever life throws at you.


One word – stress

We live in a world absolutely overrun by stress, especially during the holidays. And when it comes to preparing for birth during pregnancy, pregnant moms are dealing with even higher pressure to schedule inductions, schedule planned Cesarean sections (C-sections) so they do not miss their travel plans or they are rushed out of the hospital post-birth. 

With kids, their routines are out of whack around this time of year. Add to that, all of the sugary (delicious, yes, but oh so sugary) sweets and desserts, stress on kids during the holidays can create more tantrums, less emotional regulation and aggravate sensory processing disorders.

When this stress is not addressed, it gets stuck in the nervous system. In chiropractic we call this subluxation

dysautonomia stressed nervous system

A stuck and subluxated nervous system creates a vicious cycle where stress accumulates more and more and the nervous system can no longer rebalance which means it can no longer regulate properly. This nervous system dysfunction is called dysautonomia

While dysautonomia may feel like chronic pain and fatigue in adults, in kids it’s more easily missed because so many of their common struggles have been normalized and dismissed. 


Because the nervous system is the master control center for every tissue, organ, and gland, the health and function of the nervous system is vital to the function of all other systems in your body. Every aspect of health is built upon the current state of your nervous system. If your nervous system is stuck, the body simply can not be in a state of growth, healing and repair.

When your (or your child’s) nervous system becomes dysregulated, different signs and symptoms can show up. Babies and children show nervous system dysfunction differently than adults. Here are some of the most common signs of a dysregulated nervous system.

Signs of Dysregulated Nervous System in Infants

  • Constantly arching the back and neck

  • Problems with nursing and feeding, e.g. reflux or GERD

  • Colic or general discomfort

  • Torticollis

  • Delayed or skipped motor milestones

Signs of Dysregulated Nervous System in Kids

  • Constipation

  • Sensory processing disorders, e.g. sensitive to noises or lights, particular about what type of t-shirt or pants they are wearing 

  • Eczema

  • Chronic sickness

  • Prolonged period of bedwetting

  • Hyperactivity, ADHD or ADD

Signs of Dysregulated Nervous System in Adults

  • Difficulty focusing and brain fog

  • Digestive problems, e.g. irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

  • Unexplained body pains, e.g. lower back pain or neck pain

  • Mood disorders

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Always getting sick

  • Sleep issues e.g. insomnia


Here are 5 of our favorite and most effective ways to reset your nervous system.

Movement (dance, workouts, walks) - This doesn’t have to be an intense 2 hour workout at the gym. Something as simple as dancing to your favorite song or going on a 10 minute walk will give you a nice reset along with some cardiovascular exercise.

Focused breathing (box breathing) - Focusing on your breath serves 2 purposes. First, it forces you to stop thinking about your upcoming work deadline or what you forgot to add to the grocery list. Second, it calms your nervous system by activating your vagus nerve.

Turn off anything with a screen 3 hours before bed - Blue light interferes with your nervous system’s ability to tell your body it is time to go to sleep. By eliminating screen time 3 hours before bed, your nervous system has the ability to actually recognize and signal to the rest of your body that it is time to rest.

Prioritize sleep - Speaking of sleep, prioritizing sleep is vital to the healing and repair of all your cells, including the cells in your nervous system. Adequate sleep helps your body step on the “brake pedal.”

Neurologically focused chiropractic care - While it has always been known that chiropractic care can improve neurological function, our docs at Sprout Family Chiropractic take it much further. The entire focus of our care is to address imbalances in the nervous system, which is why we use INSiGHT Scanning Technology in our office. These scans are designed to track, measure, and quantify the stress on the nervous system so we can build a customized, personalized care plan, designed to restore function and balance to the nervous system. 

Every year feels like it happened in a blur right before the start of a new year but 2022 has really flown. If you want to learn more about how neurologically focused chiropractic care can restore health and function to your life, schedule a free 5 minute phone consultation with one of our docs today!

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