A Guide to Better Health


Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety can cast a shadow on your child’s daily life. It can be absolutely heartbreaking to see your child be afraid or worried about even the smallest things and then as they get older, added school pressures and any social challenges children and teenagers experience can be peppered with moments of unease and worry as well. In this article, we will delve into the what is anxiety.

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Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Your Baby’s Tongue Tie

One common condition associated with feeding difficulties is a tongue tie. In this article, we delve into the neurological factors involved in latch and feeding problems, with a particular focus on the role of tongue ties.

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Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Navigating the Challenges of Tongue Ties in Newborns

One of the most talked about topics concerning infants' and babies' health is tongue ties. It is becoming increasingly blamed for numerous pediatric health conditions. If you are wondering if your child has a tongue tie and if it is the reason behind their struggles, we want to help you sort that out!

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Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Turning Challenges into Triumphs: How to Help Your Child With Bedwetting

If you have tried various methods such as sleep studies, nighttime alarms, water restriction before bedtime and waking your child up to use the bathroom but still haven't found answers or resolutions, please know this, you are not alone. There are steps you can take to empower your child and address their bedwetting.

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Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Natural Ear Infection Remedies

Are you determined to find a natural ear infection remedy that would be an effective option to hold off surgery, as well as get to the root cause of your child’s chronic ear infections. If you’re looking for a natural ear infection remedy and a drug-free option, we’ve got good news – these natural remedies for ear infections do exist! 

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Pregnancy Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pregnancy Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

5 Resources You Need During Every Stage of Pregnancy

Moms, we know how easy it is to get overwhelmed when trying to sort through the infinite number of resources. This is why we did the work for you to find easy to follow, accessible and most importantly quality information on everything you want to know during every stage of pregnancy.

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