A Guide to Better Health
What You Should Know About Your Baby’s First Years
Within the first few years of life an infant’s brain is forming more than 1 million new neural connections per second. By age 2, a child has the most neural connections they will ever have in their life. This is the critical period of openness.
Poop! There It Is!
Parents know better than anyone that when it comes to constipation and irregular bowel movements it can be uncomfortable, upsetting and stressful for kids. Is there something more going on?
What Happens When Babies & Kids Get Adjusted?
So many times we have heard, “Babies don’t have back pain” and, “Kids don’t get frozen shoulder” and the ever popular, “How do you crack a baby’s neck?!” While all of these conditions may be what chiropractors are known for, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
4 Reasons Kids Get Sick in the Fall and Winter
As we enter into any winter holiday season there seems to be four things that our kids and families experience that tend to collide all at once and result in stressed kids and families! This causes our kids, ourselves, and our nervous systems to get completely overwhelmed and stressed out. When we get worn out, we get sick, anxious, emotional, and worn down.
4 Biggest Baby Brain Builders
In order to help our kids heal, and to get this generation of babies back on track to good, natural, neurologically-focused health and well-being… these 4️⃣ building blocks are absolutely essential.
Brain-Based Healing
The truth is, getting a child’s brain and body to heal is both a complicated and simple process. It’s complicated not just because the brain and central nervous system are such a vast, intricate, detailed system… but mainly because in today’s world, there are millions of options on how to get the job done.
What is Colic?
Frustratingly the most common advice parents are given still today is to let them cry it out, and also, “Don’t worry, they’ll grow out of it.” But as Pediatric Chiropractors, our entire obsession is with finding the cause of a child’s health condition, so that we can then know with certainty the best plan moving forward to help them heal and overcome it.
The #1 Question We All Need to Ask Regarding the Health of Our Children!
The number one most important thing in the health of our children and family is not how much stress or toxicity they are exposed to, but instead how adaptable and resilient they are to these stresses.
The #1 Hidden Secret to Your Child’s Health and Healing Potential
You’ve gone the medical route. You’ve likely circled through it three times over, having seen every specialist, geneticist, neurologist, and gastroenterologist within 500 miles of your home. You’ve tried medication after medication.
Natural Sleep Remedies for Kids
Kids are always going through some level of growth; learning how to regulate their emotions, exercising and nourishing their bodies, adjusting to new routines with friends and school, etc. Not only is sleep essential for their physical, mental, and emotional development, but without it, children don’t have a sense of normalcy.
Subluxation: The Missing Link
While subluxation can happen with any joint in the body, from the shoulders to the pinky toe… it’s subluxation of the spine and central nervous system that is really what’s behind so much dysfunction and chronic illness in kids today.
Tongue Tie: 4 Ways Chiropractic Can Help
You may be wondering, how can the pediatric chiropractor help? The chiropractor shouldn’t diagnose a tongue-tie. But they can do much to help the baby with feeding dysfunction. If you suspect your child has a tongue-tie, here are four points to consider.