A Guide to Better Health


Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Healing Begins at Night: How Quality Sleep Supports Your Child's Health

In this blog, we will explore why sleep is so vital and how it can help your child overcome health challenges. It is even more necessary for a child looking to heal and overcome a health challenge or condition of any sort to get extra sleep during the initial healing and recovery stages. If you’ve exhausted various methods to help your child heal naturally and have observed that their condition worsens when they are tired or sleep-deprived, this is for you.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Improve Your Child’s Sleep Patterns

Sleep is crucial for the immune, digestive, and cognitive systems of children. It impacts their social-emotional maturation and development. It is alarming to know that almost 50% of kids have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Not enough people are talking about this! 

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Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

They Do NOT Grow Out Of It

Standard pediatricians have been telling parents that certain conditions are just a part of childhood and that their children will grow out of them. However, this is not the case.

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Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Eat, Sleep, Poop

We understand it can be overwhelming to know where to start when your child faces challenges. We want to help unpack some of these challenges. The “little” things, such as eating, sleeping, and pooping struggles, can be tied to more significant challenges.

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Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Natural Sleep Solutions For the Whole Family

Do you have a child that struggles with getting enough sleep? Maybe your kid has a lot of energy and doesn’t know how to relax for bedtime. In this article we dive into why sleep is important and what can happen when anyone in the family doesn't get quality sleep.

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