A Guide to Better Health


Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Nervous System Regulation and Health

When our nervous system is in a chronic state of stress our health takes a turn for the worse and can have long lasting effects on our health. It can start to become overly reactive to every day things like allergens, germs and stressful situations and it will start to wreak havoc on the other systems of our body.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Ear Infections in Children

Ear infections are a common and often painful issue for many children, causing discomfort, sleepless nights, and worry for parents. While antibiotics are a common treatment, they may not always be the best or only solution. At Sprout Family Chiropractic in San Diego, we offer a natural and gentle approach to help manage and prevent ear infections through neurologically-focused chiropractic care.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Colic in Infants

As a parent, seeing your infant suffer from colic can be heart-wrenching. Endless crying, discomfort, and sleepless nights take a toll on both the baby and the family. While colic is common, effective solutions are often hard to come by. At Sprout Family Chiropractic in San Diego, we offer a natural and gentle approach to help manage colic through neurologically-focused chiropractic care.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Bedwetting Issues in Children

Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, is a common issue that many parents face. It’s not just a nuisance; it can also impact a child’s self-esteem and quality of life. At Sprout Family Chiropractic in San Diego, we provide a natural and effective solution to help manage bedwetting through neurologically-focused chiropractic care.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Understanding the Cerebellum and How It Impacts Your Child's Health and Development

At Sprout Family Chiropractic, we believe in the power of understanding the intricate workings of the nervous system to improve overall health. One critical part of this system is the cerebellum. While it might not be as well-known as the brain's larger structures, the cerebellum plays a vital role in your child's development, coordination, and overall well-being.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

The Benefits of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care for Children with Autism

At Sprout Family Chiropractic, we understand that every child is unique, and this is especially true for children with autism. Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), affects how children communicate, behave, and interact with others. Many families are seeking natural, non-invasive ways to support their child's health and well-being, and that's where neurologically-focused chiropractic care comes in.

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Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Our ADHD Test

When you think of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) what do you think of? A young kid running around, screaming nonstop? While this may be what ADHD looks like for some, this is just one type of ADHD and it is more complicated than simply not being able to sit still.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a common neurodevelopment disorder that results in trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors and being overly active. There are 3 types of ADHD…

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Pediatrics Dr. Tony Ebel, D.C. Pediatrics Dr. Tony Ebel, D.C.

What is The Perfect Storm?

In just 1-2 generations (not near enough time for genetics to actually change much at all), rates of chronic illness in kids have been rising quickly to absolutely horrendous, troubling levels. The Perfect Storm is something happening right in front of us again and again.

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Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

They Do NOT Grow Out Of It

Standard pediatricians have been telling parents that certain conditions are just a part of childhood and that their children will grow out of them. However, this is not the case.

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