A Guide to Better Health


Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Empowering ADHD Learners: Navigating School Challenges with Confidence

This blog is specifically for parents who want to help their child struggling with ADHD thrive without relying on heavy medications. We want to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to help your child find their way to a calmer and more focused state by engaging their innate “brake pedal” mechanisms, through the  Vagus Nerve. We’ll discuss the natural, drug-free solutions and options that can significantly impact your child’s school year.

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Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics, Family Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Understanding and Supporting Your Child's ADHD With Drug-Free Options

Do you suspect your child has ADHD? Are you unsure about the diagnosis or the different subtypes? Trust us, you're not alone. When it comes to ADHD, understanding the truth can be perplexing for both parents and patients. In this blog, we're going to simplify things for you.

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Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

Our ADHD Test

When you think of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) what do you think of? A young kid running around, screaming nonstop? While this may be what ADHD looks like for some, this is just one type of ADHD and it is more complicated than simply not being able to sit still.

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Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC Family, Pediatrics Dr. Nicole Wong-Homer, DC & Dr. Rachel Wong-Homer, DC

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a common neurodevelopment disorder that results in trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors and being overly active. There are 3 types of ADHD…

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