What To Eat During Pregnancy to Support Your Baby’s Growth and Development

healthy pregnancy food nutrition

A healthy pregnancy typically lasts between 38 and 42 weeks. Throughout this time there are three distinct stages of fetal development, during which the baby must complete specific growth tasks. The three stages are zygote, embryonic and fetal. At each of these stages the demands on mom’s body will require certain nutrients to be in abundance for optimal health of herself and baby. The zygote phase is the most rapid of the stages and has concluded by week two of the pregnancy. The embryonic phase takes up the time between week two and week eight, while the fetal phase lasts the remaining time of the pregnancy.


After the zygote phase the “embryonic phase” begins shortly after implantation within the uterus. During this time the embryo’s cells are dividing rapidly to develop basic body systems. The embryo is only 1.25 inches long, but has a complete nervous system, beating heart, digestive system, fingers, toes, and facial features.


The remaining time during pregnancy is devoted to the fetal phase. The fetus begins to develop distinguishable features. Hair, nails, and vocal cords develop. Even the kidneys begin to process body fluids.


Given the rapid growth of the baby, and the adaptation required of mom’s body, certain nutrients are needed in excess for a healthy pregnancy. Many of which support the health of the nervous system! Folic acid (B9) is of special importance during the first four weeks of pregnancy. Folic acid is required for optimal development of the baby’s nervous system. Supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of neural tube defects due to B9 deficiency. Iodine, choline and iron are other important nutrients required for healthy development of the baby’s brain. Without ample iodine during brain development, there is risk of cognitive impairment, while lack of iron and choline can contribute to decreased memory function in early years of childhood.


There are a few simple tips that can help ensure women are getting all the nutrients they need.

First, it is advised that women of child bearing years take a multivitamin containing the top nutrients required during pregnancy.

Second, prior to trying to conceive, a woman should take a prenatal vitamin to reduce gaps in nutritional needs for her and the baby.

Third, women should consume whole foods that are ample in the nutrients needed for baby’s development. Folate is found in large amounts in legumes, asparagus, eggs, and dark leafy greens. Iron is rich in red meats, dark leafy greens and fortified cereals. Pairing citrus fruits and juices, such as lemon, with iron-rich foods can also increase iron’s absorption. Utilizing iodized salt supports adequate iodine intake and eating a variety of healthy fats, such as chicken breast, salmon and eggs can provide choline.

Dr. Lauren Doering-Campbell


Dr. Lauren is a Webster Certified pregnancy chiropractor holding a Masters Degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition. She is dedicated to helping expectant mothers thrive during their pregnancies in the West Greenwich, Rhode Island area.

Dr. Lauren has always been passionate about health and nutrition which is why she is devoted to helping families lead healthier lifestyles by combining chiropractic and nutrition.

On her days off, you can find Dr. Lauren skiing, hiking or mountain biking with her husband and dog.

How to contact Dr. Lauren:

Email: ldc.dc3@gmail.com


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